The Worst JavaScript I Ever Wrote
Revisiting some code I wrote for a job interview in 2018.
ReadRevisiting some code I wrote for a job interview in 2018.
ReadChoosing three new variable fonts and squeezing them for performance
ReadI 3D Printed a Dragon Ball
ReadRefining an old logo design I've been working on to use for the basis of a new site.
ReadCreating an accessible Alert style component with a smart cacheing system
ReadCalculating the cost of my immutable deploys previews.
ReadHow to build a system that will read, set, and save a user's preferred color scheme.
ReadHow I got Sapper parameter-based routing, mdsvex and unified markdown preprocessing, dynamic import statements, and server-sider rending all working together.
ReadSome advice on how to choose color palettes for both light and dark user themes.
ReadA non-comprehensive look at the history of "dark mode" in user interface design.
ReadReflecting on 2020 and looking back on one year of blog posts.
ReadGenerating social share images with a serverless function and headless browser
ReadAll of my Inktober drawings from October 2020.
ReadWriting custom plugins to give extra powers to Markdown syntax using the Unified ecosystem.
ReadBuilding a CRUD site to host color palettes using Svelte, Routify, Sanity, and Netlify Functions.
ReadComparing and contrasting creating a basic widget in React, Svelte, and Vue
ReadThree big limitations I've discovered while working with Svelte and Sapper
ReadExploring some of the more esoteric details about Svelte and Sapper
ReadLessons learned from using git-lfs (Git Large File Storage), which can be quite easy to mess up and equally as frustrating to fix.
ReadUsing RSS and Webhooks to syndicate posts from one Gatsby site to another.
ReadScience Gothic is a very cool variable font, but it is over one megabyte in size. I am testing and comparing the most efficient ways to load and style custom web fonts.
ReadRefactoring a component to use an html5 <details> element instead of ARIA and JavaScript.
ReadThings I've learned about gatsby-config.js, gatsby-node.js, and NetlifyCMS
ReadA short history of my previous Gatsby site, and why I'm choosing to start over from scratch in the new decade.